BOSTON (Hypebot) — Yesterday music-based social networker iLike made marketing music via a multitude of social network and web sites a lot easier with new services that enable single source updating.
Late yesterday, we asked iLike spokesperson Emily Glassman for more details:
Hypebot: When do you expect to add MySpace and other OpenSocial sites?
Glassman: Coming soon. We will make individual press announcements in the future, providing launch dates and more details.
Hypebot: What is the cost of The Dashboard to artists and labels?
Glassman: These services with remain free to artists and labels.
Glassman: "We’ve (also) started an autoupdate for all of our iTunes/Windows Media Player Sidebar users which will add an “Artists” tab to the Sidebar. This new functionality will display a users music newsfeed inside of their Sidebar, providing frequent bulletins about a user’s favorite artists…It’s a simple and convenient way to find out if an artist you like has added new tour dates, (etc)…"