(CelebrityAccess News Service) — Jupiter Research recently completed a study examining Digital Rights Ownership for music and movie content by collaborating with leading companies to offer the consumer's perspective on pricing and bundling of digital audio/video consumption as well as the level of tolerance for specific copyright protection technologies. This study offers content owners and providers, perspective on both pricing and bundling of digital audio/video consumption as well as the level of tolerance that a consumer has for specific copyright protection technologies.
Key findings include:
-Online consumers will pay twice as much for a single song downloaded to their PC for the freedom to copy it as they see fit;
-Consumers will accept DRM tools, such as device registration, that control portability and restrict the copying of music only to devices owned by consumers; and
–Online consumers are willing to pay at least an $8 premium for the ability to copy or port their digital music (album) as they see fit. — by Bob Grossweinr and Jane Cohen