Steve Caldwell, an original member of the Swingin' Medallions, died February 4 in an Atlanta hospital of pancreatic cancer. He was 55.
Bruce Springsteen pegged their 1966 million-seller "Double Shot (of My Baby's Love)" the greatest fraternity rock song of all time.
A philanthropist, he raised $1 million and helped rebuild a war-torn church in Estonia through World Methodist Evangelism and supported physicians in South America and a school in Palestine for Muslim, Christian and Jewish students.
Manager Steve Salem Dies at 42
After a three year battle with cancer, manager Steve Salem died January 29 at his home in New Rochelle, N.Y. Over the years, his clients included Full Force, UTFO, Lisa-Lisa & Cult Jam, and Snow. He also co-managed Code 5. Salem is survived by his wife Rose, and children Radiance, D.J., and Norel.