(Hypebot) – The relationship between an artist and their manager is the most vital relationship in the music business. The joys of having a manager or managing an artist can be amazing. It's why some choose to work in the music industry. However, the lines can be easily blurred between the artist and their manager because the nature of the relationship can be unorthodox at times. Like any other relationship, clear communication and definition of roles and responsibilities are the key to making the most the artist/manager relationship. Sari Delmar gives amazing insight on how to do that.
Artists are, by nature, designed to create. They create music and that does not always yield for crunching numbers and negotiating contracts. Likewise, managers got into the music business because they want to do the things that artists do not have the time or capacity to do on their own.They may not have the knack to create music, but can be very essential in creating more opportunities for their artists. In this article, Sari Delmar shares ways artists and managers can understand their roles better so that they can have a thriving relationship on MusicThinkTank.com
"It is easy to forget as a busy artist or manager the large and very important differences that make artists artists and industry industry. We work together closely every day, but to truly maximize the greatness of this partnership it’s important we all keep in mind the very real differences."