TOKYO (Hypebot) – As founder of Ditto Music, an online music distribution service. I was recently asked to undertake a learning expedition to Japan and present my company to the Japanese music market.
Here are 8 facts that will blow your mind about the Japanese Music Market:
How to get gigs in Japan
Japanese music promoters work the same as any other country, they want to sell tickets. If you aren't well known in the market then unless you book the venue and sell tickets yourself you may struggle to organise gigs. Our advice is to contact Japanese artists and see if they will help you out. Plenty of Japanese artists would love the chance of getting exposure in whatever country you live in, so a kind of exchange system would work really well. Work with each other and you will be surprised at the results. Myspace is still very popular in Japan so get retro, create an account and start some conversations.
Gaining Japanese Fans
If you are spending all of your time promoting your band in your hometown it could be time to think outside of the box. Japanese culture is very similar to others, they use Twitter and Facebook heavily and have a great respect for western music. The language barrier can propose a problem but a lot of young Japanese, especially in Tokyo have a good knowledge of English. And that doesn't stop you brushing up on your Japanese.
The key to any new market is hard work. While a lot of artists may see the obstacles, with such a small percentage of people truly spending the time to build their Japanese market, there is a massive opportunity for the ones who do.