(Hypebot) – Social media and the Internet have opened up many opportunities for musicians of all backgrounds, allowing them to reach audience members they might never have met. If you have a website and a social media presence, you know how much work goes into keeping it on the cutting edge. Once the big things like finding a platform and building the site are in place, the work may seem to be easier. But it is important to remember all the little things that will make a difference in your online engagement.
Say Thank You
It's important not to spam your followers' walls with advertisements. In fact, what is equally important is to remember that you need them. Today Made recommends taking the time to express your gratitude to your fans. You know that you wouldn't be where you are without them. Taking the time to tell your customers what you think of them and how grateful you are for them can make a tremendous difference.
You can handle the thank yous in a number of ways. You can send out a special note on your social media platforms or you can send out an email. Some platforms like Shopify allow you to customize your message so you can say thanks. You can also offer special coupons or promotions. Completely free products may go over better because it won't seem as if you're just trying to eke out another sale.
Keep Return Policies Clear and Easy to Find
Whether you handle digital music transactions or sell physical CDs or sheet music, you will likely run into customers who want returns. Returns come up for all kinds of reasons. You may think that if you don't have a physical product, you won't have to handle returns, but that is not the case. Econsultancy points out that this area can easily lead to misunderstandings as customers will have differing expectations. It's important to keep your customers happy, so make sure that your return policies are clear and easy to find.
Clear return policies should spell everything out. If you have differing requirements for digital transactions rather than hard copies, then make that clear. Don't just lump them together. People are inclined to assume the more favorable option will apply to them. Use only the necessary legalese required. Plain English is preferable.
Making the return policies easy to find can be as simple as having a separate tab for them. Most platforms like Shopify allow you to set them aside on a separate page with clearly marked links. Whatever you do, don't bury them.
Be Personal
One of the benefits of social media is that you get to connect directly with the people who enjoy your music. Music Biz Academy reports that most people expect musicians and artists on social media to be personal. It helps to keep the balance proportionate. No one likes reading a constant sales pitch. If all you write about are the things that you're selling or the places you are performing, it will be easy for people to decide they've had enough.
Instead, take the time to share positive and inspiring things. If you have funny stories to share, then do. Don't make it too personal or too embarrassing though. You should avoid putting out information on — By Jake Anderson