Jazz festival impresario George Wein of Festival Productions is profiled in today's (June 27) Wall Street Journal's "Workspaces" that takes "A Look at Where People Work."
"What you see: An office space spanning a life in jazz. Beyond the cluttered floor and mismatched furniture, the creator of the annual jazz festival displays his professional history across the walls. Among some of the jazz memorabilia are pictures of Miles Davis, Harlem jazz bands and a signed photo of Louie Armstrong. There is a signed 1978 caricature of Luciano Pavorotti, along with photos of Mr. Wein with the three tenors and well-knowns like Oprah Winfrey. Piles of CDs sent to Mr. Wein from aspiring jazz musicians sit neglected on the floor…
"What he sees: I'm really most at home in my office. The only choice involved here, with the exception of the [pictures of the] presidents because I didn't know them well, is that the people in the photographs are the people that I knew and not just people I had my picture taken with. They knew me and I knew them, and they were a part of my life and I was a part of their life, even if only for a little while."