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Is DRM Dead: Some Don't Think So

Even as many celebrate the death of DRM, some industry leaders seem to believe DRM is poised for a comeback. From this week's Digital NARM:

"I made a list of the 22 ways to sell music, and 20 of them still require DRM. Any form of subscription service or limited play-per-view or advertising offer still requires DRM…I think there will be a movement towards subscription services and they will eventually mean the return of DRM." – David Hughes, Head of RIAA Technology Unit (via cNet)

"Until piracy is stopped, debating new business music models is like arguing who gets what deck chair on the Titanic." – Rick Carnes, Songwriters Guild. When presented with the analogy of bottled water competing with free: "The reason people buy bottled water is because they are scared of the tap water."

These experts want to make people so afraid of free music that they'll pay for it; then lock it up so tight they can't do anything with it. In the digital age, however, consumers want what they want when they want it. Until the music industry starts giving consumers that freedom; fans will always find a way to fight back.