SAN FRANCISCO (Hypebot) – Moonalice, a Bay Area act that features GE Smith (Saturday Night Live houseband) and Barry Sless (Phil & Friends) will post live tracks from their April 3rd CD release show on Twitter. Immediately following the end of each song, Moonalice’s sound team will upload it and “Tweet” its availability – all before the group finishes playing the next song.
Twitter CEO Evan Williams says, “We are amazed by all the new ways people are using Twitter, and what Moonalice is doing exemplifies this to the core. Twittering a live show is a new and profoundly cool way for a band to reach its fan base and beyond. We hope to see more of this as bands see the value of connecting to their audience in new ways.”
In addition to Smith (Saturday Night Live house band, Hall & Oates, Bob Dylan) and Sless (David Nelson Band, Phil Lesh & Friends), Moonalice includes veteran players Pete Sears (Rod Stewart, Jefferson Starship), Ann McNamee (Flying Other Brothers, Ann Atomic), Jimmy Sanchez (Boz Scaggs, Bonnie Raitt), Roger McNamee (Flying Other Brothers) and occasional seventh member Jack Casady (Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna).
On April 14th, Moonalice will release their self-titled debut studio effort produced by the legendary producer T Bone Burnett.