Danny Lee, a set carpenter who has toured recently with the Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Neil Diamond, Yanni and Bette Midler, among others, was on his way home September 11 from Boston to Sherman Oaks, California to be with his wife Kellie for the birth of their second daughter. He was on American Airlines flight 11 that crashed into the World Trade Center.
A collection has been started for Danny Lee's widow, Kellie Lee, who is without health insurance, and with two children – a two-year old and one just a few days old. When not on tour, Danny did cartage and local crew work in L.A. for Mates and Stagecall.
Donations to his family can be sent in the form of check to Kellie Lee and sent to:
Monica Cisek
c/o Gudvi, Chapnick and Oppenheim
15260 Ventura Blvd., Suite 2100
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Any questions or if you would like to make a cash donation, please contact:
Don Goldstein
818 203 3424 (cellular)
818 785 4535 (land line)
Allison Daniel Lee was born on September 13, 2001.
Thank you to Stagecall for providing a free truck, driver, fuel and loaders to help Kellie move back to Erie, Pa. where her parents live.