ATLANTA (AP) — Clear Channel Communications fired two radio station hosts Friday for broadcasting sexual dialogue during a commercial.
Larry Wachs and Eric Von Haessler, also known as "The Regular Guys" in their show on Atlanta radio station WKLS-FM, aired a skit on March 19 called "backward smut," which involved recording a pornography star talking explicitly, then playing her voice backward over the air.
The hosts left a microphone on after the prank, however, causing listeners to hear sexual talk during a commercial. Wachs blamed "technical difficulties," and Clear Channel Communications, which owns the station, said at the time the prank appeared to be an accident.
Clear Channel Vice President Pat McDonnell announced the end of the show Friday because of violations of a "zero-tolerance" indecency policy. Clear Channel is the nation's largest radio chain.
A message left at company headquarters in San Antonio was not immediately returned Friday, and Wachs and Von Haessler were also unavailable.
Earlier this week, Clear Channel dropped shock jock Howard Stern from its stations for alleged indecency and received notice it was being fined $495,000 by the FCC for 18 indecency violations.