(Hypebot) – Record Store Day is arguably the most important day on the indie music calendar. Participation is a part of many music marketing plans; and the deadlines and dues dates have just been announced. Here is the timeline courtesy of A2IM:
January 18: Details are provided on all Record Store Day added value products. Because RSD are working with over 450 key full participating RSD stores, a recommended minimum run of 5,000 for each added value item (ie, CD samplers, posters, lithos, t-shirts, refrigerator magnets, DVD samplers, 7” singles, CD singles, green/recyclable bags, calendars, etc.) is recommended. NOTE: All Record Store Day added value items should include the Record Store Day logo on them. Contactcarriecolliton@recordstoreday.com for a logo to use on approved items.
February 2: Provide final, complete details on all Record Store Day commercial products. Production runs are up to each label/studio based on projected demand. Distribution of your Record Store Day commercial products are meant to be just for the stores who are celebrating and RSD encourages labels to make RSD products available to independently owned record stores in all territories (i.e., Japan, Canada, the UK, and Europe). How you wish to distribute these pieces to the stores is up to you, but in the US, RSD recommends the following approach: distribute directly to the stores, and/or utilize ThinkIndie, AEC/Super D, AMS, Baker & Taylor, and URP.
March 1: Artwork of all Record Store Day added value items, and any on-line web and email banners for these projects, must be received by Carrie Colliton via email. Carrie’s email address iscarriecolliton@recordstoreday.com.
March 1: Artwork for all Record Store Day commercial products, and any on-line web and email banners for these products must be received by Carrie Colliton.
March 8: All Record Store Day added value items must be received at the ThinkIndie warehouse for packing and shipping out to the participating stores. NOTE: This is extremely important as RSD learned last year that all materials must be managed in a way that they come to the store in one box so that the labels, studios, and gaming companies who participated were assured that their materials were properly used. All materials should be mailed attention Blake Wimberly, c/o Coalition of Independent Music Stores, 3738 4th Terrace North, Birmingham, AL 35222. (phone # 205-595-1932 x202).
March 15: Provide up-to-date list of artists that will be making appearances on Record Store Day.
Questions should be directed to Carrie Colliton.