SEATTLE (Hypebot) – One of the things that everyone hates is the service charge attached to a concert ticket when you buy it from a broker and even directly from the box office.
Amazon may finally put an end to that as it's trying to get into the ticketing business, promising full transparency and no extra charges in tickets purchased from the site. In a pilot program launched on Amazon Local, the company is selling tickets to the Bestival shows on the Isle of Wight in early September.
Amazon will offer more shows in the UK through the end of the year, then after the bugs are worked out, will roll it out to the US as well.
One of the little known secrets in the concert industry is that it's not the venues or promoters inserting this extra charge though – it's the acts themselves. Instead of raising the ticket price to where it seems too high, it feels more acceptable if there's that service charge on the back end.
Many acts actually hate the idea of doing that to their fans, and these are the ones that usually allow paperless ticketing, a practice that has yet to gain traction in the industry.
If Amazon ticketing catches on, it might finally put a stop to the insane extra charges that we so reluctantly pay.