ROSKILDE, Denmark (VIP-NEWS) — Roskilde Festival '09 has closed down and all worries were put to shame with a successful ticket sale and the best weather in 33 years.
When the festival was about to begin, rumors said that about 60,000 tickets were sold. However, it turned out that many more people wanted to buy tickets and take part in the festival. 67,000 all-week tickets were sold, and over 12,000 people bought one-day tickets on top of this.
Wonderful weather
The weather always affects the festival experience to a great degree high temperatures and sunshine for many days made it the hottest festival in 33 years.
The guests at Roskilde Festival are behind the largest collection of money ever in Denmark to support a humanitarian project with a focus on climate.
As a part of Roskilde Festival's climate campaign – Green Footsteps – the audience has been able to take their own green footsteps, among other things by donating DKK 175 (approx. € 23) when buying the festival ticket. 1580 people have done so, thereby donating DKK 276,500 (approx. € 37,000).
The total contribution goes to DanChurchAid projects in Malawi, a country that is badly hit by the effects of climate changes. Now, sustainable water facilities are to be established to help poor farmers, by irrigating areas usually afflicted by drought.
On top of the audience donation, Roskilde Festival donates DKK 2 million (approx. € 306,000) to the project.