(Hypebot) – "(Google and other tech companies) are enriching themselves off the artistic, cultural and economic value everyone else creates," states a concerned and upset T. Bone Burnett in a scathing 5 minute video sent to the U.S. Copyright Office.
Digital safe harbors are a failure and the Digital Millennium Copyright must be overhauled, states artist, songwriter and producer T Bone Burnett in a scathing video sent to the U.S. Copyright office this week on behalf of the Content Creators Coalition.
"The problems are familiar. They are well described in the record of these proceedings from the broken-Sisyphus climb of “notice and takedown” to the gunpoint negotiations and pittance wages forced upon creators by the Google monopoly.
The big tech itopians can track us across dozens of networks, devices and profiles to bombard us with micro-targeted ads, but they can’t even identify unauthorized copies of our work and keep them off their own servers and systems — or they won’t."
T Bone Burnett on the Broken DMCA Safe Harbors from Content Creators Coalition on Vimeo.