Thanks to social media and texting, conspiracies are rapidly spreading. Whether you choose to believe them or not, these narratives are now woven into the fabric of American information culture. Presenting these along with sober information which will usually debunk but may also uncover truths and possibilities is a modern story category in this crazy media saturated era.
The problem with conspiracies is the rate which they travel. Unmonitored. Free for all for those addicted to their phones for information. Fact checking…haha. They fact check through their friends.
Traditional news fails to deal with them addressing as “conspiracies” without presenting counter facts, missing an opportunity to engage with the conversation.
The rate that social media spreads information is astounding and that includes wild theories from, well, anyone.
TV, Print and other traditional information sources better begin some serious rethinking. Other pioneers are living in this new Information Age which is more than simply migrating online but embraces entirely new methods of engagement in this era.
Here’s something I wrote in 2023 relating to conspiracies: