LONDON (VIP-NEWS) — The Streets' Mike Skinner has cancelled all gigs this weekend, including a slot at a Leicester music festival, because his bassist has swine flu.
The musician announced the news on his Twitter page. "Just as I get the all clear, my bass player Wayney is diagnosed with swine flu," he said
The band had been scheduled to play the Summer Sundae Weekender headline slot in Leicester on Friday.
They had also been booked to play the Picture House in Edinburgh.
A message posted a few hours earlier on Twitter said Skinner was "waiting to hear from management" about whether the concerts would continue.
He added: "But I suspect this weekend is not going to happen. I want to cry for socialist and capitalist reasons."
He had previously posted a track called He's Behind You, He's Got Swine Flu, backed by the same bassist who is now suffering from the illness.
"Listen to the bass line of this song and spare a thought for the guy who played it, suffering with the terrible virus," he said.
In the most recent message, he said: "Sorry to be tweeting so much. This weekend's shows have been cancelled though. I'll stop tweeting now."
Idlewild have now been moved up the bill and will close the main stage tonight instead, a message on the Summer Sundae Weekender said. –According to BBC